
(937) 435-7280

20 Years, Thankful to be still fixing those potholes.

in potholes sealcoating pothole patching asphalt paving asphalt repair tar

Today, April 1, marks TAR, Inc.’s 20th anniversary. When I started the business, I thought “no matter what happens in the world there will always be potholes.” Today it’s proven to be very true. Even through recessions, oil crises', and wars, those potholes still needed to be fixed. TAR, Inc. has expanded its services to include all asphalt maintenance including sealcoating, striping, asphalt paving and repair. Through the years of change and growth, there are many things I’m thankful for.

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My Pothole Patcher is Bigger than Yours! Size Does Matter!

in potholes asphalt blacktop pothole patching pothole repair asphalt repair asphalt machine

In an asphalt industry where “pothole patching” can range from a guy in a pickup throwing asphalt out the back and running over with their truck tires, to 6 or 7 asphalt workers with air compressors, hot box, tack tank, and an asphalt roller working to fill potholes. There’s that balance of cost and quality that many owners try to overcome.

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